transition condition

英 [trænˈzɪʃn kənˈdɪʃn] 美 [trænˈzɪʃn kənˈdɪʃn]




  1. When the business process is carried out, a particular link is followed when the associated transition condition evaluates to true.
  2. Again all of the conditions for transitions that can be caused by this operation are check, but this time the transition associated with the Approve condition is taken.
  3. Administrators can now provide transition condition values for outgoing links of an activity, to force the process down the chosen branch.
  4. A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity.
  5. Each link may be associated with a transition condition, which is a Boolean expression using values in the different containers of the process.
  6. Seventhly, negative impact of market economy during the period of social transition is the social condition of PE teachers'misconduct.
  7. Numerical Simulation of the Temperature Field under the Transition Condition in an Aero Engine Combustor
  8. Heat transfer analysis of plane freeze phase transition on double-convection condition
  9. EDTA is helpful to remove transition metal ions in acid condition.
  10. Orderly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family business.
  11. It places emphasis on the necessity of creating learning environment via analysis of the transition condition and factor of science conception.
  12. The ultra-high energy heavy-ion experiments are the main ways to study QGP phase transition at the controlled condition.
  13. Lastly, we discuss the energy-band structure of ultracold atoms in optical lattice by means of Green function method and in addition, procure the superfluid-Mott phase transition condition in mean-field approximation which is in agreement with the result in the literature.
  14. Based on the discussion of discharge mechanism of SF 6 gas stressed by very fast transient overvoltages, the transition condition from the streamer to leader is introduced, and the discharge process is described.
  15. The transition from "war condition" between human and nature and of human being themselves to "eternal peace" is an effective means to get rid of human cultural dilemma.
  16. In the Attribute Petri Net, the start rule of transition and calculation of place marking are different from traditional Petri Nets. Therefore, we redefined APN transition fired condition, reachability marking set, the incidence matrix and status equation.
  17. The ice force with wedged beam-type failure is an increasing function of size ratio k_1.This predicts that a maximum ice force will take place under the transition condition.
  18. It is not easy for shock tube experiments to detect very weak contact discontinuities when studying the Mach reflection occurred after a weak shock colliding on a symmetric wedge, also difficult to catch the transition condition between Mach reflection and regular reflection.
  19. Study of the C → A transition excimer laser threshold condition
  20. Some are lack of consideration on the special reform background of Chinese electric power industry under transition economy condition.
  21. By means of contragradient transformation a method of constructing transition element satisfying the condition is presented.
  22. Using this model, Freedericksz transition with weak anchoring condition is studied.
  23. Some problems about the transition from time maintenance to condition based maintenance are discussed.
  24. By analyzing the calculation results and combining with the results of engine transition condition tests, the temperature field characters of transition condition are well investigated.
  25. The second mode waves do play a dominant role in the transition of boundary layers with isothermal wall, while the first mode waves would dominate the transition if the wall temperature condition is adiabatic.
  26. Accordingly, the intellectual transition becomes the important condition for the survival of knowledge.
  27. When the feedback components for transition condition breaks down, and the count data reaches the set value, it will transfer to fault alarming steps, and display fault alarm information through touch panel.
  28. In this process, the background of economic institutional transition is one significant constraint condition.
  29. This topic is combined with the National Natural Science Fund Project "Semi-Active Control devices and technology research for the Transition Condition Engines Exhaust Noise". The shortcoming of the existing mufflers is that the low-frequency exhaust noise of internal combustion engine can not be faultlessly control.
  30. Finally the differential analysis of samples is proceeded to research the themal flux and weight variation and phase transition condition under the temperature between 20 and 1400 degree Centigrade.